Friday 26 June 2009

Major Error!

"He'd eat sh*t if it were sugared!"
My nan once used these 7 words to describe my grandad and it seems this talent was passed onto me. After my last blog post (in which i declared not to care and to eat whatever i wanted whenever i wanted) its a total understatement to say i have gobbled more than my fair share of crap!
But unsurprisingly my "i dont care- im gonna eat what i want when i want" idea was a major faux par - after two weeks i decided to pull out the scales and nearly fell flat on my arse when i read the figures beaming up at me! It was not good.

That was a couple of weeks ago and its still not good! I havent dared to set foot on the scales again but i did try (if only for a day or two) to eat a tad more sensible- only it just didnt work and now the three course meals, pizzas and curries are starting to show. Most women would cry over this, however, for me.....

.....the few weeks of careless gobbling has resulted in one perk, oops sorry - make that two, as my breasts seem to have taken on alot of the extra weight- result! Hee hee!

I am highly ashamed, and maybe admitting this is not the best idea either, but i have found myself dressing to show off my bigger assets in an attempt to advert eyes from the less attractive areas. And if the stroll i took with my sister through Cambridge is anything to go by it seems to work a treat.... men, women, men with there girlfriends, dogs- you name it they looked! I really should have charged for the pleasure, i'd be rolling in it!

But great boobs or not, the jeans are feeling tighter, the face is looking fuller and im becoming more insecure and angry - although i dont mind the twins being seen on the town: the muffin top and belly bulge hanging over the trousers is not my desired look.

So, here i am updating my blog for the first time in a very long while and im wondering.... Should i take it easy on the food? Should i eat more healthy before its too late? Would i be happier if i was still my slimmer self? DO I STILL NOT CARE???